


The activity of the laboratory in the field of concentration of sunlight began in 1997 with the European project SPECTRUM (Project ID: JOR3970188), successfully completed with the construction of a demonstrator able to collect the solar energy and to transport it to the place of use via optical fibers.


The project BEST4U "Bifacial, high efficiency 4-terminals solar cell technology for utility scale" is a project "PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020". The project coordinator was ENEL GREEN POWER. It started April 1 st 2020 and finished April 1st 2023.

The project INSHIP "Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes" is a European project H2020 LCE-33-2016 (RIA).
The project coordinator was Fraunhofer ISE (Germany).
It started on January 1st 2017 and had a duration of four years.

The project STAGE-STE "Scientific and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European excellence in concentrating Solar Thermal Energy" is a European project FP7-type CSA-CP (Collaboration Support Action-Collaboration Project).
The project coordinator was Ciemat (Spain) .
It started on February 1st 2014 and had a duration of four years.

The project SOLTESS "SOLar Thermal Energy Solid Storage", which concerned the realization of a field of heliostats for solar plants with power tower and a solar furnace equipped with an innovative system for thermal storage for the night. The study included the optical characterization of innovative materials.
The project included also a part of training of personnel.
The project coordinator was MAGALDI POWER.

The project PIACE "Platform intelligent, Integrated and Adaptive micro-Cogeneration with high Efficiency for residential uses" (2009-2012) was in the framework "Industria 2015-Bando Efficienza Energetica" with prime proposer RIELLO SpA.

The project SCOOP "Italian Solar COncentration technOlogies for Photovoltaic systems" (2009-2012) was in the framework "Industria 2015-Bando Efficienza Energetica" with prime proposer ENEL Production SpA.

The project CESARE "Concentrated PV combinEd SolAR Energy system" (2009-2010) was funded by the Region of Tuscany. The project, realised in collaboration with the Dep. Of Engineering, University of Florence, involves the development of a combined system for the production of electricity, heat and hydrogen.

The cooperation with the Dep. Of Engineering, University of Florence began in 2007 with the project SALTO "Solar Assisted cooLing TOscana"(2007-2008), which was an Integrated Research Project (POR ob.3 Tuscany 2000-2006 Measure D4), funded by the European Union (European Social Fund), Tuscany Region and Italian Ministry (Ministry of Labour and Social Security). The project concerns the development of a plant for solar cooling.

In the field of sunlight concentration on photovoltaic cells, the Laboratory Solar Collectors collaborated with ENEA from 2003 to the project Phocus. The contribution of the Laboratory to the project Phocus concerned the analysis of the characteristics of solar collectors for the concentration of light on photovoltaic cells. The collaboration with ENEA continued with the joint development of a solar simulator for testing, in laboratory and in concentration condition, photovoltaic cells and we were involved in the development of the optical system for the project ELIOSLAB, aimed at building a solar concentration pilot plant in Portici (NA). In particular, the Laboratory has worked on the layout of the primary mirror and of the collector.

In 2002-2003, the Institute has developed, in collaboration with the Consortium CEO and the Stibbert Museum, the project GIRASOLI to illuminate the showcases of the Islamic Room with sunlight, funded by Banca Monte Paschi Siena and Regione Toscana.

In parallel with the activities mentioned above the laboratory has carried out several studies and experiments in areas related to research in the field of sunlight collection. One of these studies concerned the examination of light in the museum environment, with a project FISR (Integrated Special Fund for Research) for the development of a sensor for the controlled lighting (visible light and UV) in the rooms of a museum. The project related to the control of the illumination in the museum and the development of a device capable of monitoring, for a long period, both the incident light, to assess the change in the perceived color, and the UV radiation, which is responsible for damage to the work of art.

CNR-INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze - Tel. +39 05523081 - P.iva 02118311006 - Info: info@ino.cnr.it