Acronym of Italian Solar COncentration technOlogies for Photovoltaic systems.
SCOOP is a project funded by the Industry 2015 program with the first proponent Enel Produzione S.p.A. and had as its objective the creation and synergistic integration of four technological chains aimed at the development and industrial production of concentrated photovoltaic solar systems, as well as the development of the structures necessary for their characterization and certification.
The supply chains have integrated small, medium and large companies, research centers and the academic world in a synergistic way, in order to create the maximum benefit for the entire Italian system.
The organization of the project crosses the four lines of industrial development of prototypes with cross-sectional research activities.
Through an integrated system logic it was possible to optimize the efforts of development and realization of the common components (photovoltaic cells, optical systems, power and control electronics) and reduce research and industrialization costs.
The Solar Collectors Lab, part of the "Optical Systems" transversal line, has collaborated with the Production Lines in order to design the appropriate optics, carry out control tests in the laboratory and outdoors on optics and cells. We also collaborated with the other Research Centers of the project in order to create shared test protocols that form a basis for future certification of the concentration modules.
CNR-INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze - Tel. +39 05523081 - P.iva 02118311006 - Info: