

Dr. Paola Sansoni

phone: +39 0552308232

e-mail: paola.sansoni@ino.cnr.it

personal page on site CNR- INO

publications on database INO

Curriculum Vitae

Study Titles

Degree in Physics (1992 - Univ. of Florence)
Master (Specialization) in Optics (1994 - INO)


Since 1996 CNR - National Institute of Optics as researcher
1994 -1995 University of Geneva, Group of Applied Physics, with an European H.C.M. Grant on atmospheric lidar measurements in collaboration with ESA.
1993 -1994 Consortium CEO with a contract in the framework of an European project.
1991 -1992 Grants for the analysis of multiple scattering in lidar echoes.

Scientific Interests

Her current work at the CNR-INO is addressed to environmental and industrial applications of optoelectronics, to photometry and lighting, to researches on alternative energies and in particular to the exploitation of solar energy. She is member of the “Laboratory of Photometry and Lighting” and of the “Laboratory of Solar Collectors”. Within the research on renewable energy, the Lab. of Solar Collectors studies and experiments applications of solar collectors in energetic, thermal and photovoltaic field, as well as in the sector of lighting-technique and cultural heritage preservation.

From 1993, during her activity at CEO and INO, she collaborated to the development of optoelectronic devices for quality control in industry, for environmental monitoring, for solar energy exploitation and for applications in the field of preservation of cultural heritage.
Between 1990 and 1996 she developed her research work in the field of "remote sensing" in collaboration with NASA and ESA realizing:

Positions held

- Referee of the Programma 'Amico' - Bando POC (Proof of Concept) MiSE 2020.
- Reviewer of European projects accredited as Expert of H2020 ICT Call ICT-30 "Photonics KET" since 2016.
- Reviewer of national projects, included in the REPRISE - Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation, within CENECA, since 2016.
- Responsible of the Commessa CNR MD.P03.020 “Optical devices for industrial applications: diagnostic, development and characterization of new sources and optical components”.
- Responsible of Module MD.P03.020.002 “Study and characterization of systems and components for lighting and for visual perception.” inside the Commessa CNR MD.P03.020.
- Responsible of the Laboratory of Solar Collectors of CNR-INO.
- Substitute of the Responsible of the Laboratory of Photometry and Lighting of CNR-INO.
- Responsible of Project PIACE (2010-2013) and of Project Sunflowers (2001-2003).
- Component of the “Comitato di Consulenza Scientifica” (Scientific Consulting Committee) of INOA.
- Component of Examination Commissions for permanent or fixed-term employment of: 4 Researchers, 1 CTER and 3 Administrative Collaborators.
- Component of over 40 Examination Commissions for Research Grants or Scholarships.

CNR-INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze - Tel. +39 05523081 - P.iva 02118311006 - Info: info@ino.cnr.it