+39 0552308256
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Publications present in the INO database
David Jafrancesco was born in Livorno the 1964, November 1st and he lives in Florence since 1965.
He graduated in Physics the 1992, December 14,discussing an applicative thesis on the dynamics of CO2 lasers..
On July 1995 he took the Master in Optics with a thesis on spectrophotometry, and on July 1998 another Master in Health Physics at the same University, with a thesis on medical image processing.
From 1992 to 2000 he collaborated with the National Institute of Applied Optics (INOA) of Florence, now CNR INO, carrying out various activities in the field of photometry, radiometry and spectrophotometry; in particular, he collaborated in the SPECTRUM European project on the exploitation of sunlight for lighting, experimentally verifying the performance of the light collection system and evaluating the photometric performance of the entire system. In the same period he carried out various activities of measurement and characterization of optical components, management of instrumentation, design of measurement and testing systems.
From 2000 to 2004 he worked at the Sirio Panel S.p.A. di Montevarchi (later incorporated into Leonardo group). This company designed and produced human-machine interface systems, mainly applied in the avionics field, such as light panels, annunciators (warning lights), pushbuttons, LED and LCD displays and external lights. Here David Jafrancesco dealt with the following topics:
In particular, David Jafrancesco was involved in the development of the following programs:
He has also participated in various other activities related to research and development, including in particular: reflectance measurements through BSDF, evaluation of new types of displays, development of automatic instrumentation for optical measurements.
Since March 2004 he has been permanently hired as a Technologist (applicative researcher) at the National Institute of Applied Optics in Florence, currently CNR-INO, in the photometry and lighting engineering laboratory. Here, in collaboration with other technologists and researchers, he deals with the following topics:
Since 2008 he has also worked in the Solar Collectors Laboratory, carrying out the following activities:
David Jafrancesco worked on the regional projects SALTO (Solar Assisted cooLing Toscana, 2007-2008) and CESARE (Concentrated photo-voltaic for CombinEd SolAR Energy system, 2009-2010), on the national project PIACE (Intelligent, Integrated and Adaptive Platform for micro-cogeneration high efficiency for residential use, framework 'Industria 2015-Bando Efficienza Energetica', 2009-2013) and SOLTESS (SOLar Thermal Energy Solid Storage, MIUR project 2010-2014), on European projects SPECTRUM (Solar Power Exploitation by Collection and Transportation by fibers optics to Remote Utilization Modules, framework 'Joule', 1998-2000) and STAGE-STE (Scientific and Technological Alliance for Guaranteeing the European Excellence in Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy, FP7 2014-2018). He is currently part of the staff for the projects ARTES (Advanced Robotics and enabling digital TEchnologies & Systems 4.0) and Best4YOU (Bifacial Efficienne Solar cell Technology with 4 terminal architecture for Utility scale
David Jafrancesco is co-author of nearly 90 scientific papers and over 400 technical reports. From 2005 to 2016 David Jafrancesco was the Quality manager of CNR-INO and from 2010 to 2018 Head of the CNR-INO Library. He is currently Head of the Photometry and Lighting Technology Laboratory, Quality Manager of CNR IBE for the implementation and maintenance of the ISO 17025 standard and Laser Safety Technician for the CNR INO headquarters and other connected Laboratories located in Florence.
CNR-INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze - Tel. +39 05523081 - P.iva 02118311006 - Info: