

Dr. Daniela Fontani

phone: +39 0552308231

e-mail: daniela.fontani@ino.cnr.it

Personal information on CNR-INO website

Publications on CNR-INO database

Curriculum Vitae

1992 Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Florence.
1998 Specialization in Optics at the Postgraduate School of Optics in Florence.


Researcher at the National Institute of Applied Optics (now National Institute of Optics of CNR ) from 1st December 2004.
Since 2016 Head of the Laboratory Solar Collectors.
Since 2011 represented for the CNR of the Joint Programme Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) of European Energy Research Alliance (EERA).
Since 2004 member of the Laboratory Photometry and Lighting.

2004-2002. Research grants from the INOA (National Institute of Applied Optics) for the development of instrumentation devoted to the characterization of solar light collectors and for the characterization of image instrumentation.
1998-2002. Two term-contracts as a researcher at the Consortium CEO (Center of Excellence Optronics), in two European projects. Within the structure of the CEO, I held the position of Computer Network Manager.
1995-1997. Fellowship at the National Institute of Optics for the study of electro-optical devices in the field of control systems.

Fields of interest:

Currently my work at the INO goes from industrial and environmental applications of optoelectronics to studies of alternative energy and in particular the exploitation of solar energy. Within this line of research I have participated in projects related to the applications of solar collectors in energy field, both thermal and photovoltaic, in the fields of lighting technology and cultural heritage.

The main areas of research activity currently are:

From 1995 to 2004, during my activities at the CEO and INOA, have collaborated on the development of optoelectronic devices for quality control in industry

The main areas of research have been:

CNR-INO Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - Largo Fermi 6, 50125 Firenze - Tel. +39 05523081 - P.iva 02118311006 - Info: info@ino.cnr.it